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It is difficult in the short run, however, to solve the impasse of the Doha Round.My short answer to the theme of the session is that FTAs can be building blocks for multilateral trade liberalization. FTAs enable us to keep the "bicycle" of trade liberalization moving forward. With the right design, they stimulate economic activities to adapt to new environments, and can help persuade the public about the benefit of trade liberalization. FTAs could also generate policy innovations that might eventually be adopted at the global level.FTAs do, however, have some drawbacks.First, LDC Members tend to be left behind in the trend towards FTAs. They cannot benefit from the opportunity that trade liberalization is to offer.Second, the geographic coverage of an FTA does not extend as far as global supply chains. Different rules in different FTAs add complexity to globally spread business operations.Third, as the WTO issues get less attention from the Members and stakeholders such as the business community, the indifference makes it more difficult to move the negotiations forward, creating a vicious cycle.In order to revitalize multilateral negotiations in the WTO, as well as making serious efforts towards the successful conclusion of the Doha Round, we need to explore areas where we could deliver results relatively quickly, build on small successes, and gain momentum that would eventually lead us to a breakthrough in the impasse. Exploring new approachesNow, ITA expansion is one of the most important new initiatives at the WTO. Japan, together with other ITA members, is committed to play a leadership role in bringing the negotiations to expand the product coverage to an early conclusion.This, however, is just an initial step. We need to start carefully exploring other approaches in which we could reach conclusion in the short term. A series of successful examples would help rebuild confidence in the WTO. Four key elements: lessons from ITA expansionWhy, then, is ITA expansion making headway? In my view, four factors may be at work.First, the business community has been the driving force. ITA product list has not been updated for 15 years and has become outdated by rapid technological progress. Last year, 41 industrial associations in 18 Members jointly called for the expansion of ITA product coverage. This motivated governments to start the negotiations.Second, there is a lot of enthusiasm to promote information technology because it provides solutions to many social and economic challenges. It helps solve problems in all aspects of human life, such as communications, education, environmental protection, transportation, agriculture, medical treatment, and so on. It helps improve productivity and create new jobs. In a sense, IT-related products form "social infrastructure" to deal with social and economic challenges. The more pressing these challenges are, the more incentives each government has to procure "best available technologies," including through imports.Third, the ITA brings broad benefits to WTO Members at various levels of development through globally developed "supply chains". Global deployment of IT-related manufacturing operations has brought investment and export opportunities, created jobs, and accelerated economic growth in many developing countries. The trade volume of "ITA-related products" increased from 1.3 trillion dollars to 4.8 trillion dollars over the last 15 years. In the same period, the share of developing countries in "ITA-related trade" increased from 31% to 64%.Last but not least, because IT creates new markets through rapid technological progress, governments and stakeholders are more receptive to making new rules. PossibilitiesWith these "key success factors" in mind, what might be some other promising areas? Other than Trade Facilitation that's already on track in Geneva, a number of areas came to my mind.In Vladivostok earlier this month, 21 APEC economies agreed to reduce tariffs of 54 environmental goods to 5% or less by the end of 2015. Environmental goods have similar attributes to those of the IT sector. They provide solutions to achieve green growth. Also, producers of environmental goods such as solar cells and wind turbines are interested in greater overseas business opportunities. These factors could help not only APEC economies but also other WTO Members to work on liberalization of environmental goods.Another example is the ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. It is not an agreement within the WTO, but it aims to strengthen the enforcement of intellectual property rights, building on the TRIPS Agreement. Earlier this month, the National Diet of Japan approved the ACTA and Japan is likely to be the first to ratify it among the signatories. Japan is committed to work with other signatories to bring the agreement into force as soon as possible. It is encouraging to see many other countries show their interest in joining the ACTA. I hope the ACTA will gain a lot of new members and one day come under the WTO system.The so-called International Services Agreement (ISA) is also a unique effort that combines high ambition and pragmatic approaches. Currently, more than 20 like-minded Members are working on this effort, which I would like to support. ConclusionTo conclude, we should make more efforts to deliver results in the WTO negotiations.The 9th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC9) will be held in December next year in Bali, Indonesia. To achieve meaningful outcomes in MC9, as well as making serious efforts towards the successful conclusion of the Doha Round, we should each collaborate with stakeholders and start carefully exploring areas where interests could converge. These areas could be identified as possible negotiating areas where we could reach conclusion in the short-term.Thank you.2012年10月10日 ツイート 2012年10月10日掲載 印刷 この著者の記事 Plurilaterals and Bilaterals: Guardians or Gravediggers of the WTO 2012年10月10日[Special Report] 東アジア経済統合における日米中の課題 2010年1月18日[Special Report] 東アジア経済統合の歴史と展望 2007年4月 4日[経済産業ジャーナル] ゴーチョクトン首相講演を聴いて 2003年4月22日[コラム] 東アジア経済統合と日米中関係─日本の戦略はどうあるべきか─ 2003年2月17日[新聞・雑誌等への寄稿] コラム・寄稿 コラム Special Report EBPM Report フェローに聞く フェローの連載 世界の視点から 特別コラム 新聞・雑誌等への寄稿 特別企画 経済産業ジャーナル 情報発信 ニュースレター 更新情報RSS配信 Facebook X YouTube 研究テーマ プログラム (2024-2028年度) プログラム (2020-2023年度) プログラム (2016-2019年度) プログラム (2011-2015年度) 政策研究領域 (2006-2010年度) 経済産業省共同プロジェクト プロジェクトコンテンツ 調査 フェロー(研究員) 論文 ディスカッション・ペーパー(日本語) ディスカッション・ペーパー(英語) ポリシー・ディスカッション・ペーパー(日本語) ポリシー・ディスカッション・ペーパー(英語) テクニカル・ペーパー(日本語) テクニカル・ペーパー(英語) ノンテクニカルサマリー 英文査読付学術誌等掲載リスト Research Digest 政策分析論文 調査レポート 論文検索サービス 出版物 RIETIブックス(日本語) RIETIブックス(英語) 通商産業政策史 著者からひとこと RIETI電子書籍 年次報告書・広報誌(RIETI Highlight) その他出版物(日本語) その他出版物(英語) イベント シンポジウム ワークショップ BBLセミナー 終了したセミナーシリーズ データ・統計 JIPデータベース R-JIPデータベース CIPデータベース JLCPデータベース 日本の政策不確実性指数 産業別名目・実質実効為替レート AMU and AMU Deviation Indicators JSTAR(くらしと健康の調査) RIETI-TID 長期接続産業連関データベース マイクロデータ計量分析プロジェクト 海外直接投資データベース ICPAプロジェクト リンク集 コラム・寄稿 コラム Special Report EBPM Report フェローに聞く フェローの連載 世界の視点から 特別コラム 新聞・雑誌等への寄稿 特別企画 経済産業ジャーナル RIETIについて 個人情報保護 ウェブアクセシビリティ方針 RIETIウェブサイトについて サイトマップ ヘルプ お問い合わせ 経済産業省 独立行政法人経済産業研究所(法人番号 6010005005426) 当サイト内の署名記事は、執筆者個人の責任で発表するものであり、経済産業研究所としての見解を示すものでは有りません。掲載している肩書や数値、固有名詞などは、原則として初掲載当時のものです。当サイトのコンテンツを転載される場合は、事前にご連絡ください。 "ページの先頭へ戻る

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